One Voice. One Vision.

National Women Veterans United One Voice One Vision approach in helping women veterans is crucial for providing the support and resources they need. By unifying our efforts and working towards a common goal, we can ensure that women who have served in the military receive the respect, recognition, and assistance they deserve as they transition back to civilian life. This unified approach allows us to better advocate for the unique needs of women veterans, whether it’s access to healthcare, employment opportunities, or addressing issues such as homelessness and PTSD. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of women who have bravely served our country.

Resiliency Is the Cure for Every Challenge.

Chartered by the State of Illinois, the National Women Veterans United (NWVU) is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit organization that provides support and resources for women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Founded in 2005, National Women Veterans United continues to offer a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute to our shared One Voice One Vision mission of making a meaningful impact in the lives of women veterans.

National Women Veterans United is inclusive of all women who have served in all branches of the service as officers and enlisted.

To be better prepared for engagement with military women veterans when challenged with readjustment or mental health issues, many NWVU members have completed certificate participation training for:
• Suicide Awareness
• Mental Health First Aid (Adults and Youth)
• Peer Support
• Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Partners in Service

As a nonpartisan Organization, NWVU partners with government, nonprofits, community groups, veteran service organizations, businesses and individuals to educate, encourage resiliency and empower America’s women veterans.  Partners in Service list

National Women Veterans United mission parameters include:

  • Identify needed benefits and resources, to ensure women veterans have access to daily well-being services.
  • Advocate, educate and bond with all military women veterans with special emphasis on women who are disabled, homeless, at risk or returning from deployment, to ensure they are connected to appropriate direct services and resources for readjustment and coping skills, as they return to employment, school and family.
  • Ensure women veterans have access to equivalent well-being services and programs as our male veteran counterparts separately for private circumstances and jointly when appropriate. Educate women veterans on their VA benefits and entitlements such as healthcare, education, employment and training, vocational assistance, and other VA and community resources.
  • Educate women veterans on their VA benefits and entitlements such as healthcare, education, employment and training, vocational assistance, and other VA and community resources.
  • Provide fiduciary services to veterans at no cost, emergency assistance, clothes, food and transportation, peer support, health and wellness programs such as creative art therapy, dance fitness, healthy eating and cooking information, financial literacy for women veterans and their families.
  • Monitor community-based organizations and makes referrals to safe communities that provide access and proven programs that assist women veterans to maintain resiliency, mental health stability, physical, psychosocial and spiritual health well-being.
  • Make referrals to veteran and non-veteran Organizations who provide effective services that are available for women veterans and their families.
  • Host events throughout the year to encourage and educate women veterans of the importance and urgency to have annual screening and checkups for Breast Cancer, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.
  • Promote and host programs that prioritizes health initiatives, parades, and other activities which recognize the past and present contributions of women veterans and their sacrifices.
  • Inform governmental entities of the critical issues and needs of women veterans and women currently serving in the Armed Forces by hosting community panel discussions and forums to generate diverse responses to the issues that impact women veterans nationwide.
  • Mentor and lend our leadership skills to youth programs such as the Girl Scouts, JROTC, Military Family Readiness Groups (FRG) and Gold Star Families.